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HomeBuilding Expansion

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Project Overview

The Building Expansion Project would expand the existing facilities for EAA 292 out at Independence State Airport. The project is made possible through the generous support of chapter members who have contributed countless hours, resources, and more.


The project aims to extend our chapter's facilities to provide more functional spaces, an inviting atmosphere for our growing membership, and support our mutual interest in general aviation.


We're excited to share our plans and progress with you as we embark on this journey to enhance our chapter building and facilities. This webpage will serve as your hub for project updates, ideas, and member feedback. Together, we'll make this expansion project a success that benefits all of our members and aviation enthusiasts.

Project Goals

  1. New Space The project revolves around the primary plan to expand the chapter clubhouse footprint. The new space will facilitate larger members meetings, help us host our events, and provide additional amenities that provide value to our members and the aviation community. For more details, check out the Design page.

  2. Improved Functionality We want to create a versatile space that caters to a wide range of aviation-related activities like our flyins, youth programs, workshops, as well as our regular gatherings. With this expansion, we hope that it will allow for future improvements, including a dedicated showcase of our achievements, and highlight the success of our member. The future phases will also consider accommodations to enhance our meeting room to improve on the acoustics and comfort for our members.

  3. Community Engagement Our vision is to strengthen the aviation community by offering a welcoming place for enthusiasts to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate at the EAA.


Progress Updates

We're committed to keeping you informed about the progress of the expansion project. Regular updates will be posted here, including:

  • Project Plans Check out the Design page to see our plans and our analysis, how we plan to tackle challenges, and what we plan to include in the initial phases of this project.

  • Construction Milestones Stay up-to-date on the construction timeline, major milestones, and any potential delays.

  • Photos and Videos Explore visual content showcasing the transformation of our chapter building.

  • Budget and Funding We'll provide transparent information about the project's budget, and how your contributions are making a difference on the Finance page.

Share Your Ideas

Your input and ideas are invaluable to us. We encourage all members to share their thoughts on how we can make the building meet the diverse needs of our aviation community. You can do this by:


  • Sending Feedback Reach out to our project team via the Feedback form to share your suggestions , questions, and/or ideas.  Be sure to check out the FAQ page for answers to some of the more frequently asked questions. We'll keep updating it based on the questions we receive.

  • Participating in Surveys Keep an eye out for member surveys designed to gather insights on specific aspects of the project.

  • Getting Involved This project wouldn't be possible without the active participation of our members. As the project progresses we will need help in areas of design, interior layout, and especially the construction to help keep the project on budget.

    If you'd like to contribute your skills, time, or resources to make this expansion a reality, please let us know. We welcome volunteers and supporters who share our passion for aviation and our commitment to building a stronger EAA Chapter 292 community.



Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey. Together, we'll build to new heights with the Building Expansion Project at EAA 292!